Site Title

Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness
Welcome, and thank you for visiting St Ninian's Church online. We hope that our website highlights the wide variety of worship and fellowship opportunities available. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit. We would love to greet you and offer you our hand in fellowship.
Our Mission
Our vision is to inspire the people of both communities and surrounding areas with the Good News of Jesus Christ. We will do this through enthusiastic worshipping, witnessing, nurturing, and serving of the Lord. With God’s grace we can help build the spiritual life and work of our congregations in both of our parishes.
Our church offers a traditional setting for your most sacred celebration.

Welcome to 2024
We hope you have had a good new year and he year that follows will be a good one and that the
Lord be with you.
Our Sunday Services are as follows
10:15 hrs
(in St Ninian's Church)
Auldearn Church 12 Noon
St Ninian's is a short formal service
Auldearn is a short reflective service.
All are welcome
Latest News
Sunday School put on a performance about the 10 lepers healed by Jesus. Together with a retiring collection on the same day, the sum of £294.01 was raised for Leprosy mission Scotland.
The Sanctuary is open for quiet prayer and contemplation each Thursday morning during the time of the Coffee Break in the Hall.
The Short Sermon
Please feel free to join our mailing list and receive our Church Magazine and Stewardship Booklet.

Tel; 01667 451675
Contact the Minister
Minister's email address:
Contact number and Helpline
Treasurer : 01667 454219
email :
Session Clerk : 01667 452998
email :
Contact the Minister
Minister's email address:
Bible Study
We have a generous bible study each week for those who want to explore more of God's word.
We are an open group, relaxed about God's word, and are generous in bringing the reality of it to bear on life and see it as an open book inexhaustible.
at the moment we are stopped until further notice :-
The book of Revelations